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Artificial Intelligence: Fuzzy Logic

Multi-Axial Dynamic Threshold Fuzzy Decision Algorithm

Dave Mark (Intrinsic Algorithm LLC)
AI Game Programming Wisdom 4, 2008.
Abstract: The Multi-axial Dynamic Threshold Fuzzy Decision Algorithm (MADTFDA) allows the designer to combine two or more constantly changing values and then compare the result to a defined numerical threshold in order to make a decision. MADTFDA is designed as a more flexible replacement for the "weighted sum" approach to combining factors. The additional flexibility is a valuable tool, allowing the designer to easily visualize the interactions of the decision inputs and enabling the programmer to create quick, robust, parameterized decision calls that accurately reflect the needs of the designer. The article covers the concept behind MADTFDA, its various uses as an AI design tool, and the use of the code that is included on the CD-ROM.

Constructing a Goal-Oriented Robot for Unreal Tournament Using Fuzzy Sensors, Finite-State Machines, and Behavior Networks

Hugo Pinto and Luis Otavio Alvares
Game Programming Gems 6, 2006.

A Fuzzy-Control Approach to Managing Scene Complexity

Gabriyel Wong
Game Programming Gems 6, 2006.

Empowering Designers: Defining Fuzzy Logic Behavior through Excel-Based Spreadsheets

P.J. Snavely (Sony Computer Entertainment America)
AI Game Programming Wisdom 2, 2003.
Abstract: Putting game development back into the hands of the game's designers is critical to keeping a project on schedule. How does that happen? What is the easiest way to let a game designer work on their own with a minimum amount of interaction from a technical source? Using Visual Basic for Applications and some basic applications, it is possible to design an interface which does both of these things, as well as having the added benefit of letting finished code stay finished.

An Open Source Fuzzy Logic Library

Michael Zarozinski (Louder Than A Bomb! Software)
AI Game Programming Wisdom, 2002.
Abstract: This article introduces the Free Fuzzy Logic Library (FFLL), an open source library that can load files that adhere to the IEC 61131-7 Fuzzy Control Language (FCL) standard. FFLL provides a solid base of code that you are free to enhance, extend, and improve. Whether used for rapid prototyping or as a component in an AI engine, FFLL can save significant time and money. The entire library and a sample program is included on the book's CD.

An Optimized Fuzzy Logic Architecture for Decision-Making

Thor Alexander (Hard Coded Games)
AI Game Programming Wisdom, 2002.

A Generic Fuzzy State Machine in C++

Eric Dybsand (Glacier Edge Technology)
Game Programming Gems 2, 2001.
Abstract: Fuzzy Logic provides an attractive alternative to more crisp forms of finite state decision making. This article builds on the presentation of the Finite-State Machine class from the first Game Programming Gems book, by introducing a generic Fuzzy-State Machine class in C++. The concepts of fuzzy logic are presented and an example of applicability for computer game AI is offered. The FSMclass and FSMstate classes from the first GEMS book are converted into fuzzy logic versions, and source code is provided for review.

Imploding Combinatorial Explosion in a Fuzzy System

Michael Zarozinski (Louder Than A Bomb! Software)
Game Programming Gems 2, 2001.

Fuzzy Logic for Video Games

Mason McCuskey (Spin Studios)
Game Programming Gems, 2000.

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